



Fun Vampire Fact; the reason that Vampires traditionally cannot see their reflections in a mirror is because mirrors used to be backed with a reflective layer of silver — which, as the metal of purity, would not ‘interact’ with Vampires, who are the Devil’s work.

However, modern mirrors have used aluminum as their reflective backing for many years now — and aluminum is not a ‘picky’ metal at all. So Vampires are able to see their reflections in modern mirrors.

All I can think about is a vampire used to not seeing their reflection in mirrors for centuries, and one day they are just walking along and unknowingly pass a mirror backed with aluminum and THEY NEARLY SHIT THEMSELVES.

reblogging for that gif


In response to the NSFW ban being enacted by Tumblr Staff, on December 17th 2018 I propose that we all log off of our Tumblr accounts for 24 hours. 

The lack of respect and communication between staff and users is stark. Users have been begging staff to delete the porn bot outbreak, which has plagued the website for well over a year. The porn bots oftentimes send people asks and messages, trying to get them to go to a website full of viruses. They also spam advertisements on others posts.  

Users have also begged that Tumblr ban neo-nazis, child porn, and pedophiles, all which run rampant on the site. The site/app got so bad that it was taken off the app store.

However, instead of answering the users, Tumblr has instead taken the liberty to ban all NSFW content, regardless of age. But users have already run into issues of their SFW content being marked as sensitive and being flagged as NSFW, not allowing them to share their work.

Not only does this discriminate again content creators, but it also discriminates against sex workers. Disgustingly, the ban will be enacted on December 17 which is also International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.

This ban is disgusting, and while I (and plenty of others) welcome porn bots and child porn being banned, the Tumblr filtration system is broken. It tags artistic work’s nipples as NSFW (when it is art), it tags SFW art as NSFW (when it is not), and does not stop the porn bots, neo-nazis and dozens of other issues.

This ban is discriminatory. This ban is ineffective. This ban is unacceptable. 

To protest, log off of your Tumblr account for the entirety of November 17th. Log off at 12 am EST or 9PM PST and stay off for 24 hours. Don’t post. Don’t log on. Don’t even visit the website. Don’t give them that sweet ad revenue. 

Tumblr’s stock has already taken a hard hit. Let’s make it tank. Maybe then they will listen to the users. 

Reblog to signal boost! We must force change.


In response to the NSFW ban being enacted by Tumblr Staff, on December 17th 2018 I propose that we all log off of our Tumblr accounts for 24 hours. 

The lack of respect and communication between staff and users is stark. Users have been begging staff to delete the porn bot outbreak, which has plagued the website for well over a year. The porn bots oftentimes send people asks and messages, trying to get them to go to a website full of viruses. They also spam advertisements on others posts.  

Users have also begged that Tumblr ban neo-nazis, child porn, and pedophiles, all which run rampant on the site. The site/app got so bad that it was taken off the app store.

However, instead of answering the users, Tumblr has instead taken the liberty to ban all NSFW content, regardless of age. But users have already run into issues of their SFW content being marked as sensitive and being flagged as NSFW, not allowing them to share their work.

Not only does this discriminate again content creators, but it also discriminates against sex workers. Disgustingly, the ban will be enacted on December 17 which is also International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.

This ban is disgusting, and while I (and plenty of others) welcome porn bots and child porn being banned, the Tumblr filtration system is broken. It tags artistic work’s nipples as NSFW (when it is art), it tags SFW art as NSFW (when it is not), and does not stop the porn bots, neo-nazis and dozens of other issues.

This ban is discriminatory. This ban is ineffective. This ban is unacceptable. 

To protest, log off of your Tumblr account for the entirety of November 17th. Log off at 12 am EST or 9PM PST and stay off for 24 hours. Don’t post. Don’t log on. Don’t even visit the website. Don’t give them that sweet ad revenue. 

Tumblr’s stock has already taken a hard hit. Let’s make it tank. Maybe then they will listen to the users. 

Reblog to signal boost! We must force change.


In response to the NSFW ban being enacted by Tumblr Staff, on December 17th 2018 I propose that we all log off of our Tumblr accounts for 24 hours. 

The lack of respect and communication between staff and users is stark. Users have been begging staff to delete the porn bot outbreak, which has plagued the website for well over a year. The porn bots oftentimes send people asks and messages, trying to get them to go to a website full of viruses. They also spam advertisements on others posts.  

Users have also begged that Tumblr ban neo-nazis, child porn, and pedophiles, all which run rampant on the site. The site/app got so bad that it was taken off the app store.

However, instead of answering the users, Tumblr has instead taken the liberty to ban all NSFW content, regardless of age. But users have already run into issues of their SFW content being marked as sensitive and being flagged as NSFW, not allowing them to share their work.

Not only does this discriminate again content creators, but it also discriminates against sex workers. Disgustingly, the ban will be enacted on December 17 which is also International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.

This ban is disgusting, and while I (and plenty of others) welcome porn bots and child porn being banned, the Tumblr filtration system is broken. It tags artistic work’s nipples as NSFW (when it is art), it tags SFW art as NSFW (when it is not), and does not stop the porn bots, neo-nazis and dozens of other issues.

This ban is discriminatory. This ban is ineffective. This ban is unacceptable. 

To protest, log off of your Tumblr account for the entirety of November 17th. Log off at 12 am EST or 9PM PST and stay off for 24 hours. Don’t post. Don’t log on. Don’t even visit the website. Don’t give them that sweet ad revenue. 

Tumblr’s stock has already taken a hard hit. Let’s make it tank. Maybe then they will listen to the users. 

Reblog to signal boost! We must force change.

Tell Us About…..


🍇 Grapes : Your current situation (are you happy with it? what do you want to change/keep?)

🍈 Melon : Your job (do you enjoy it? what is it? is it hard? how long have you been working there?)

🍉 Watermelon : Your clothes (what’s your favorite thing to wear? what do you feel confident in? did your style change a lot throughout the years)

🍊 Tangerine : Sports in general (do you like sports? doing or watching? do you have a favorite sport and a favorite team?)

🍋 Lemon : The place/city/country you live in
(do you like it there? would you rather be somewhere else? city or
countryside? what’s the coolest thing to do where you live? how long
have you been here for?)

🍌 Banana : Your hobbies/free time activities (what makes you happy/feel good? what do you like about it? would you recommend a friend to do it with you?)

🍍 Pineapple : Music
(what kind of music do you like? what’s your go-to song(s)? your music
tastes in 3 words? what songs do you listen to when you’re feeling
happy/sad/motivated/in love/etc?)

🍎 Red Apple : Movies
(what kind of movies do you like? what is your comfort-zone movie? what
movie(s) could you watch every month for the rest of your life without
getting bored? what is a underrated movie in your opinion? what is an
overrated movie in your opinion?)

🍏 Green Apple : TV shows
what kind of TV shows do you like? what is your comfort-zone TV show?
what TV show(s) could you watch every month for the rest of your life
getting bored? what is a underrated TV show in your opinion? what is an
overrated TV show in your opinion?)

🍐 Pear : Food
(what’s your favorite food? do you like to cook? what is your favorite
thing to cook? what’s a thing you hated to eat as a kid and really like
now? are you vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian/etc?)

🍑 Peach : Pets/animals (what’s your favorite animal? did you grow up with pets? do you still have pets? what pets would you like to adopt?)

🍒 Cherries : Your humor (what’s the best way to describe your sense of humor? do you think everything can be joked about? do you laugh a lot?)

🍓 Strawberry : Studies (are
you studying at the moment? would you like to be/not be? what are you
studying/would like to study? what’s the job you’re looking forward to?)

🥝 Kiwi : Phone (what
are your favorite apps on your phone? how much time do you spend on
your phone? would you say you’re addicted? how many pictures do you have
in your gallery? what’s your lockscreen? is checking your phone the
first thing you do in the morning?)

🍅 Tomato : Video Games (do you play video games? which ones?
PC/console/phone? do you like to watch YouTubers/people play video
games? if you could create a video game, what would it be about?)

🥥 Coconut : Accomplishments (what are some things you did and are proud of? what are your goals?)

🥑 Avocado : Warm drinks (do you prefer tea or coffee? what kind? are there any other warm drink(s) that you enjoy?)

🥕 Carrot : Photography (do you take lots of pictures? with your phone or a camera? what is on your pictures? do you enjoy taking photographs?)

🌽 Corn : Aliens/ghosts/monsters (do you believe in them? what do you think they look like? do they have powers? would you like to meet one?)

🍄 Mushroom : Talents/skills (what are yours? did you work hard on them? would you like to master something else?)

🥜 Peanuts : Shopping (do you like shopping? do you go often? what do you usually buy? what’s the first shop you wanna go in?)

🍞 Bread : Bad habits
(what are some bad habits you have? do you bite your nails? do you
crack your knuckles? do you drink enough water? do you forget your meds?

🥞 Pancakes : Languages (how many languages do
you speak? are you fluent? are you self-taught or did you learn in
school? is it useful in your everyday life? would you like to know more
languages? which ones?)

🧀 Cheese : Online friendships/dating (what are your thoughts on that? did you ever had a internet friend/lover? how did it go? did you ever see them?)

🍔 Hamburger : Super heroes
(do you like super heroes? do you have a favorite? Marvel or DC Comics?
would you like to be a super hero? what would your powers be?)

🍟 French Fries : Vilains (do you like vilains? do you have a favorite? Marvel or DC Comics?
would you like to be a vilain? what would your powers be? what would you do with these powers?)

🍕 Pizza : Happiness (what/who makes you happy? would you say you are happy at the moment? is being happy one of your goals?)

🌭 Hot Dog : Idols (do
you have idols? who are they? have they been your idols for a long
time? what made you interested in them in the first place? what’s your
fav thing about them?

🥪 Sandwich : Stereotypes (what are some stereotypes about people your age/gender/country/etc? do they apply to you?)

🌮 Taco : Weather (do you like rain? sun? snow? do you like hot weather? cold weather?)

🥗 Green Salad : Driving
(do you have your license? if not, would you like to? do you like to
drive? do you like being in a car without driving? does being in a car
make you sleepy?)

🍿 Popcorn : Drinking (do you like
alcohol? do you drink often? what’s your favorite thing to drink while
eating or watching tv? what’s your favorite thing to drink at a party?
do you get drunk easily?)

🍚 Rice : Facts about you (What are some random/fun facts about you that you would like to share? Are a lot of people aware of these?)

🍣 Sushi :
Singing (do you sing in the shower? do you like singing? do you
sing in front of others?

how often do you sing? do you think your voice is pretty when you sing?
did you ever perform on stage? how did it go? did you enjoy it?)

Aaaaaand I did one of these again! Feel free to ask me any of these!
Also feel free to reblog, and remember that if anything on this list is asked to you and you don’t feel like answering, you don’t have to! Do what makes you comfortable!

Asks for Smol ones!


1. 🕵️ What is your dream job?

2. If you could live anywhere in the whole wide world, where would it be?

3. 🦄 If you could make any magical creature real, which one would you choose?

4. What is your favorite cartoon?

5. How long have you identified as “Smol?”

6. 🐼 What is your favorite animal?

7. If you could recommend a song for your followers, what song would you want them to listen to?

8. What do you like about the smol communities and what do you dislike?

9. 💫What is your zodiac sign?

10. Do you like video games? If so, which ones?

11. Would you ever get a tattoo? If so, what would it look like?

12. 💄Do you wear makeup?

13. What makes you feel little?

14. Do you ever feel embarrassed about regressing?

15. 🍪 What are your favorite snacks?

16. If you could be any Disney princess or prince, who would they be?

17. Do you like anime or manga? What are your favorites?

18. If you could live in a cartoon, which cartoon would you pick?

19. What is your fashion style? What is your favorite type of fashion?

20. 🐶 Do you have any pets?

21. What are you most proud of yourself for?

22. Do you have an OTP (one true paring)? Who are they?

23. What are your goals in life?

24. 🏠 What is your dream house?

25. If you could stay one age forever, what age would you choose?

26. 🎵 What music do you like?

27. Do you listen to kpop? If so, what groups do you like?

28. What are your favorite little activities?

29. Do you have little friends outside of the internet?

30. Do you know that you are the bestest smol one ever?

Answer: 💖YOU ARE!💖


🌸 little ask 🌸

🐙 what’s your favourite animal?

☁️ do you prefer summer or winter?

🍕 what’s your favourite food?

🌜 what’s your bedtime?

🐼 stuffies or blankets?

☔️ do you like listening to rain at night?

🐻 are you easily scared?

🌸 do you like the smell of flowers?

💎 do you like being spoiled?

🎩 what house are you in? (harry potter).

🐛 are you scared of bugs?

🎼 what type of music do you listen to?

🎀 what are your favourite petnames?

🍼 sippies or bottles?

🐷 do you like small animals or big?

👠 how tall are you?

💿 favourite thing to watch in little space?

🌱 what’s your favourite plant?

✏️ what are you passionate about?

💜 what’s your favourite colour?

🍭 candy or chocolate?

🍏 what do you call your caregiver?

you need to ask one thing before reblogging!


~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

🌨 ❄️ Winter Little Asks ❄️ 🌨

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❄️ Snowflake: Does it snow where you’re from? What about where you live now?

🌨 Snowstorm: Are you a voluntary regressor or an involuntary regressor?

⛄️ Snowman: What’s your favorite winter creature? Real or imaginary.

🧤 Winter gloves: Gloves or mittens?

🧣 Winter scarf: Do you have a lot of little gear? What’s your favorite little item?

🧥 Winter coat: Name three things that warm your heart.

☕️ Hot cocoa: What’s your favorite winter drink?

🍼 Warm milk: Bottle or sippy cup?

🛷 Sledding: What’s your favorite little winter activity?

🏒 Hockey: What’s your favorite big winter activity?

⛸ Ice skating: Are you good at walking around on snow/ice?

🛀 Warm bath: Name three comforting things about your regression/little space.

🛌 Warm bed: What’s your nightly routine? Does that change if you’re in little space?

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Edit: Forgot to credit @littlealpacacutie for the winter banner!