
✨Reversed Tarot meanings 🔮


Ace: Lack of energy, Lack of passion, Boredom

Two: Lack of planning, Disorganization, bad planning

Three: Obstacles, frustration, delays

Four: Instability, Lack of communication, Home conflicts

Five: Respecting differences, avoiding conflict

Six: Punishment, self-doubt, Lack of recognition

Seven: Feeling overwhelmed, give up, destroyed confidence

Eight: Obstacles, waiting, slowing down

Nine: Reaching burnout, exhaustion, fatigue

Ten: Instability to delegate, Lack of priorities

Page: Feeling caged, Lack of direction, negativity

Knight: Impulsivity, recklessness, anger

Queen: demanding, selfish, jealousy

King: Impulsive, overbearing, Unachieveable expectations


Ace: Wasted emotions, emptiness, blocked creativity

Two: Tension, Imbalance, broken communication

Three: solitude, conformity, herd mentality

Four: Taking for granted, boredom, aloofness

Five: moving on, acceptance, finding peace

Six: unrealistic expectations, resisting change, clinging to the past

Seven: diversion, temptation, confusion

Eight: fear or loss, confusion, fear of the unknown

Nine: greed, smugness, dissatisfaction

Ten: shattered dreams, broken family, bad relationships

Page: escapism, immaturity, Lack of creativity

Knight: disappointment, moodiness

Queen: insecurity, coldness, dependence

King: manipulation, moodiness, trickery


Ace: Confusion, brutality, chaos

Two: No right choice, lesser of two evils, confusion

Three: recovery, forgiveness, moving on

Four: stress, restlessness, burntout

Five: desire to forgive, desire to reconcile, lingering resentment

Six: unresolved issues, emotional baggage, resisting transition

Seven: turn a new leaf, desire to change, desire to reform

Eight: self acceptance, freedom, new perspective

Nine: fear, despair, Lack of objectivity

Ten: reviving, rejuvenation, inevitable end

Page: rushing through, all talk, Hastiness

Knight: No direction, unpredictability, disregard for consequences

Queen: cold heartedness, bitterness, cruel

King: Manipulative, cruel, criticism


Ace: Missed chance, lost opportunity

Two: Loss of balance, disorganized, overwhelmed

Three: disorganized, Lack of teamwork, group conflict

Four: Greediness, possessiveness, stinginess

Five: Isolation, recovery

Six: selfishness, debt, stinginess

Seven: distractions, Lack of rewards, work without results

Eight: No focus, No ambition, No motivation

Nine: Obsession with work, setbacks, mistakes

Ten: Lack of stability, failure, Lack of resources

Page: daydreaming, laziness, impractality

Knight: laziness, work without reward, obsessiveness

Queen: worklife imbalance, smothering

King: Indulgance, sensuality, greed

Major arcana:

The fool: Inconsideration, recklessness, being taken advantage of

The magician: Trickery, illusions, out of touch

The high priestess: Lack of center, lost inner voice, repressed feelings

The empress: dependence, smothering, emptiness

The emperor: tyranny, rigidity, coldness

The heirophant: rebellion, subversiveness, new approaches

The lovers: loss of balance, one-sidedness, disharmony

The chariot: Lack of control, Lack of direction, aggression

Justice: dishonesty, unaccountability, unfairness

The hermit: Lonliness, isolation, lost your way

Wheel of fortune: no control, clinging to control, bad luck

Strength: self doubt, weakness, insecurity

The hanged man: stalling, needless sacrifice, fear of sacrifice

Death: Fear of change, holding on, stagnation

Temperance: excess, extremes, Lack of balance

The devil: Freedom, release, restoring control

The tower: disaster avoided, delaying disaster, fear of suffering

The star: Insecurity, discouragement, faithlessness

The moon: Confusion, fear, misinterpretation

The sun: negativity, depression, sadness

Judgement: Lack of self-awareness, doubt, self-loathing

The world: Incompletion, No closure, Incomplete goals

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