* Tags I Use *


Hello all my lovely followers! I am in the process of re-tagging and updating my blog. Recently I have had a lot of nsfw interaction as we all know is in my DNI. I am creating a list of tags to help make it easier to navigate my blog once this process is complete! Hope this is helpful! 

This will also be updated as I add/delete/remember tags in the future. 


FYI: All tags that I use are 100% sfw and can be used by anyone else in the sfw agere community/ies

Community tags: 

Agere/Age regression: It stands for age regression, the overall age regression community that is here on tumblr

Kidre: A branch of age regression dedicated to kid regressors (a bit older than toddler, younger than tweens/ say 5-10ish yo)

Totre: A branch of age regression dedicated to toddler regressors (like 2-4yo)

Babyre: A branch of age regression dedicated to baby regressors (below 2y0)

Liltot: This is another age regression community on tumblr

Coloringcore: An age regression community for coloring


Agere specific tags: 

Agere activities: Activities that age regressors can participate in

Agere asks: Ask posts I answer (get tagged in) or asks I get in my inbox

Agere books: Books for age regressors

Agere clothes: Clothes for age regressors

Agere corner: A part of a room decorated/filled with items for age regression

Agere edits: Edits made for age regressors

Agere food: Food for age regressors 

Agere games: Games for age regressors (both video games and stuff like apps)

Agere gamer: Videogame posts for age regressors

Agere headers: Headers made for age regressors

Agere icons: Icons made for age regressors

Agere Jewelry: Jewelry for age regressors

Agere journal: Journal ideas or actual journals for age regressors

Agere lockscreens: Lockscreens for age regressors

Agere masterpost: Masterposts containing all kinds of age regressor info

Agere merch: All kinds of items available for purchase for age regressors

Agere moodboards: Moodboards designed for age regressors

Agere movies: Movies for age regressors

Agere outfits: Entire outfits put together for age regression

Agere room: A room decorated/filled with items for age regression

Agere shows: Tv shows for age regressors (tags for we bare bears, spongebob, etc.)

Agere Tableware: Tableware for age regressors

Agere tips: Tips meant for taking care of age regressors/regression help

Agere toys: Toys for age regressors 

Agere user box: User boxes made for age regressors


People involved in age regression tags:

Age regressor: A person who regresses in age for sfw fun or as a coping mechanism

Cxregiver: non k1nk caregiver term

Dxddy: non k1nk daddy term

Mxmmy: non k1nk mommy term

littlexone: non k1nk term for age regressor

littlexboy: non k1nk term for male age regressor

littlexgirl: non k1nk term for female age regressor


Regression community head space tags: 

Caregiverxspace: Posts that concern caregivers/ could put caregivers in their head space

Daddyxspace: Posts that concern daddies/could put daddies in their head space

Littlexspace: Posts that concern regressors/could put regressors in their head space

Mommyxspace: Posts that concern mommies/could put mommies in their head space


Other important agere related tags:

Sfw: Stands for safe for work (meaning no stuff that could be harmful to someone while regressed in this case)

Byf: Before you follow

Dnis: my personal dni and posts of others dnis or asking to respect dnis

Me/This is so me: Posts that are of me/posts that sounds like something I’d do

My posts: I put this tag on all of my original posts 

Submissions: Any submissions I get

Tag Masterlist: the tag that is going to be unique for this post only in order to find it again. 

(Important side note: There are such thing as “ghost tags” which are tags you used previously that may show up if searched for, however there is no actual posts with that tag on them. Before I knew about the age regression communities such as cglre and liltot, I thought the only thing that existed was dd1lg and cg1, you may see tags such as that appear when typing in the search bare but I assure you 100% that you will find no such content on my blog! I wouldn’t break my own DNI, ya know?)


Activity Tags:

Bath time: Bath associated posts (ex: bath toys, soap, bubbles)

Bed time: Sleep associated posts (ex: nightlights, lullabies, bed sets)

Coloring: Coloring associated posts (ex: artwork, art tips, crayons)


 Misc. Tags in Alphabetical Order: 

A. Tags:

Animals: All posts related to animals in some way (ex. photos of animals)  (non specific, I have specific tags for certain animals) there are also specific animal tags you can search for such as bears or kitty.

Answered: When I answer agere asks (agere asks explained above)

Anxiety: Posts that relate to anxiety in some way (ex. tips on how to treat regressors with anxiety)

Art: Posts that relate to art in some way (ex. cute drawings of animals)

B. Tags: 

Baby mobiles: posts that relate to baby mobiles that go above cribs/beds (ex. photos of mobiles)

Ball pit: Posts that relate to ball pits in some way (ex. photos of indoor playgrounds containing one)

Bath bomb: Posts that relate to bath bombs in some way (ex. gifs of bath bombs in the water)

Bibs: Posts that relate to bibs in some way (ex. photos of bibs)

Blanket/Blankey: Posts that relate to blankets in some way (ex. photos of blankets)

Blanket fort: Posts that relate to blanket forts in some way (ex. photos of blanket forts)

Baby bottles: Posts that relate to baby bottles in some way (ex. photos of baby bottles)

Bows: Posts that relate to hair bows in some way (ex. photos of hair bows)

C. Tags: 

Care bears: Posts that relate to the care bears in some way (ex. art of the care bears)

Care packages: Posts that relate to care packages in some way (ex. posts about care package ideas for regressors)

Coloring book: Posts that relate to coloring books in some way (ex. posts about pages I’ve colored in my coloring books)

D. Tags: 

Dino/Dinos/Dinosaur: Posts that relate to dinosaurs in some way (ex. dinosaur patterned or inspired outfits)

Discord: Posts that relate to discord in some way (ex. a post advertising my sfw agere discord server)

Disney: Posts that relate to the Disney franchise in some way (ex. list of Disney movies to watch)

Diy: Posts that relate to do it your self creations in some way (ex. diy agere crafts)

Drinks: Posts that relate to drinks in some way (ex. photos of unique drinks regressors might like to try)

F. Tags: 

Fake food: Posts that relate to fake food in some way (ex. plastic toy food)

Fall: Posts that relate to fall in some way (ex. posts about fun things to do in the fall)

Food: Posts that relate to food in some way (ex. photos of cake)

Food mention: I use this tag cause some people are tr1ggered by food so as a precaution I tag all food related posts with this. (ex. photos of mac’ n’ cheese)

Ftm: Posts that relate to female to male transgender people such as myself (ex. trans pride posts)

H. Tags: 

Halloween: Posts that relate to Halloween in some way (ex. art of Halloween related things)

Hearts: Posts that relate to hearts in some way (ex. art of hearts)

J. Tags: 

Jewelry: Posts that relate to jewelry in some way (ex. photos of charm bracelets)

Journal: Posts that relate to journals in some way (ex. posts about journal entry ideas)

K. Tags: 

Kinetic sand: posts that relate to kinetic sand in some way (ex. photos of kinetic sand)

Kirby: Posts that relate to Kirby in some way (ex. art of Kirby)

L. Tags: 

Lgbt/Lgbt +: Posts that relate to lgbt stuff in some way (ex. posts concerning support for lgbt regressors)

M. Tags: 

Mentally ill: Posts that relate to mental illness in some way (ex. positivity for regressors with mental health posts)

Milky: Posts that are related to milk in some way (ex. recipes for honey/cinnamon infused milk)

Moon and stars: posts that relate to moon and/or stars in some way (art of moon and stars)

O. Tags: 

Onesies: Post that are related to onesies in some way (ex. photos of onesies)

P. Tags: 

Paci/Pacis/Pacifier: Posts that are related to pacifiers in some way (ex. posts containing links to purchase pacifiers online)

Pajamas: Posts that relate to pajamas in some way (ex. photos of pajamas)

Pastel Girl: Posts that relate to the pastel girl app in some way (ex. edits i’ve made in that app)

Petreg/Pet regressor(ion)/Pettot/Petxspace/Petzspace: Posts that are related to pet regression in some way (ex. posts about my petreg blog)

Physically ill: Posts that relate to physical illness in some way (ex. post about physical illness positivity)

Playground: Posts that relate to playgrounds in some way (ex. photos of playgrounds)

Play pen: Posts that relate to playpens in some way (ex. photos of play pens)

Pokémon: Posts that are related to pokemon in some way (ex. art of pokemon) there are also specific pokemon tags you can search for like Pikachu or mudkip

Pusheen: Posts that are related to pusheen in some way (ex. photos of my pusheen coloring book)

R. Tags: 

Regression age: Posts that are about what age or stage of life you regress as (how old am I? posts)

S. Tags: 

Sanrio: Posts that are related to sanrio in some way (ex. posts about hello kitty)

Security blanket: Posts that are related to security blankets in some way (ex: photos of animal security blankets)

Sippy cups: Posts that are related to sippy cups in some way (ex. A list of sippy cups for sale)

Snacks/Snackies: Posts that are related to food in some way (ex. photos of pb&j sandwiches) 

Stickers/Stickies: Posts that are related to stickers in some way (ex. photos of cute stickers)

Stitch: Posts that are related to lilo and stitch (mainly stitch) in some way (ex. art of stitch)

Stuffie/Stuffies: Post that are related to stuffed animals in some way (ex. posts containing links to purchase stuffed animals online)

Support all regressors/cgs: Posts that relate to showing support for age regressors or cgs (ex. art that is supportive towards the community)

Sweaters: Posts that relate to sweaters in some way (ex. photos of cute sweaters)

Sweeties: Posts that relate to sweet food like candy in some way (ex. photos of cookies)

T. Tags: 

Tag yourself: Posts that ask you to pick a category in which you fall over. 

Teethers: Posts that are related to teethers in some way (ex. photos of teethers)

Toys: Posts that are related to toys in some way (ex. photos of play doctor sets)

Transgender: Posts that relate to transgender individuals in some way (ex. posts about supporting trans regressors)

W. Tags: 

Winnie the pooh: Posts that relate to Winnie the pooh in some way (ex. art of Winnie the pooh)

Z. Tags: 

Zodiac signs: Posts that relate to zodiac signs in some way (ex. tag yourself posts that deal with zodiac signs)


There are most likely more tags I use, and this post may be a little confusing for a while since I am “renovating” my blog’s tags, but I really hope this helps for navigation on my blog!

If you guys notice any tags that are not here in the list please notify me!!!






@alittleflingcalledyoonseok @bangtansmistress @bottomhope @bottomnamjoonn (literal angel) @brattybts @brattyjimin @btmyoongz @bts-kink @bts-porn @btsbanged @btsdicks @btsextapes @btsnsfwrice @btstwinks @bttm-jin @bttmgguk @bttmjimin @bttmkth @bttmsuga @camboyguk @chimchimspepper @chimmuri @cutefuckjpg @cutiejooonie @daddy-bts @daddy-loops @dirtygwangju @fluffpjm @fxckjiminie @fxxkbangtan  @gay-bangtan @godaegu @hellostormraven @iliketaetaes @jeonhurts @jeonnsfw @jibttm @jiminnieebts @jiminniekitten @jincharms (so precious <3) @joen-kookie @kingkang97 @kttntae @linesof97 @littlekittenyoongi @loads-of-hope @milkiimochii @mommychikki @namjinbooty @nojamchimchim @nsfw-bangtan @nsfwbangtann @nsfwsugah @nxmjxn @ropebunnykook @seokinky @sexhoseok @slutfortaekookxx @softiyoongj @softseokjvns @softwinky @softybabies @subjmn @suga-kitten @suga-porn @sugxrdaddy14catt @supremesxuga @syubsubs @taekook-nsfw @thiccjjk @thighhighsjimin @thigh-highstae @ttaecum @ttaecock @twinkilled @utaepia @vivid-imaginations @whinychim @whinyjm @xxbtsxxnsfw @xxyoonseokskittenxx @yoons @yoonmin-nsfw @yoonminhub @yoonminsxx 




@05060502 @b-dae-sm @baekkie69 @bottom-baekie @bttmsehun @cb-sxx @chanhuntwink @chanbaekuu @exolita @exosexoo @femmebaekkie @hunhansutra @hunhoxx @jonginstiddies @minsexually @minsoakedd @oohsebabyhun @sesooheaven @soft-byunny (bless this blog) @xiuminbubbletea @yeolbyuns 


@monsta-sext @m-onstaxxx (i miss talking to you sm) @monsta-nsfw @mx-fxxkboys @softwnh 




@2jaefuckers @bottom-youngjae (sweetest peach istg) @got7sextape @kittyyoungjae 


@nct-xxx @taeyongmoans 


@nsfw-bap @nsfwbap 






@kinkyseventeen @seventeenporn @sexsvt @xxxseventeen 






@babyblackpink @fx-xx @fxxtube @gentlexgirls @nsfwtwice 


@88383838 @agustdtf @btsgot7nsfw @femkidols @kpporn @monsu-xo @peachiegyeomie @pinktteater @qianbabyy 



DAN AND PHIL (im phan trash ok)-



@peach-shaped-butt @twinkyeols ( PROTECT THIS LIL BUB) 

this took me 2 fucking hours.  sorry if i didnt tag your or if i put you in the wrong category. im tired leave me be


Thanks you ❤️





So we all moving to twitter or where we goin’, squad?

Or am I just making a shitty discord with like 7 people that will burn out eventually.

Alright, I made a discord. I have 0 expectations for this, so feel free to join and we’ll figure it out together.


If the first link doesn’t work, try this one. If this one doesn’t work, then PM me or something and we’ll figure it out.
