How to Enchant Items


To enchant an item is to infuse it with magickal energy. This energy can come from a variety of sources, including planets, crystals, herbs, or even yourself. 

Some individuals use the words “enchant” and “charm” synonymously as a way to describe the process of infusing something with energy, but for the sake of this post and due to my own beliefs, you enchant something and it then becomes a charm. Alternately, a charm can be something with its own innate energy, like a crystal or herbal amulet. 

The process of enchanting is extremely versatile and there are many ways to do it successfully, so long as you keep your intent clear in your mind. My personal preference when it comes to enchanting items is to allow 12-24 hours (overnight or a full day) for the item to be infused with energy and become a charm – although, this is completely left up to the individual spell-caster. 

Here are a few ideas on how to enchant items, in no particular order:

  1. Surround the item with crystals of corresponding intent
  2. Surround the item with herbs of corresponding intent 
  3. Place the item in a jar filled with herbs that represent your intent
  4. Place the item in front of a candle and meditate on your intent 
  5. Anoint the item with an oil, charged water, or crystal elixir of corresponding intent 
  6. Hold the item in your hand(s) and visualize it filling with the appropriate energy 
  7. Hold the item in your hand(s) and speak your intent aloud
  8. Craft a sigil or symbol to keep near the item in an envelope or sachet
  9. Write your intention on paper and keep in an envelope with the item 
  10. Pair the item with a corresponding runestone or tarot / oracle card in an envelope 
  11. Take the item and put it in a box with other
    items that represent your intent such as crystals, herbs, talismans, amulets, etc. 
  12. Bury the item in soil with herbs and/or crystals that match your intent (please don’t put salt on your lawn though, unless you want dead grass)
  13. Pass the item through incense smoke that matches your intent 




Your Book of Shadows (BOS), is a very sacred, personal tool used to store valuable information you’ll need in your tradition, whatever it may be. You will come across a lot of knowledge on your journey and so it’s a great idea to start a journal of sorts to keep it all organized for reference in ritual, spellwork, and any other spiritual work. In this post you will find a basic method to help you get started in making your own BOS. Don’t let anyone tell you there’s only one way to make your BOS – use what works best for you!


Gerald Gardner claimed to have produced the first Book of Shadows and is believed to have coined the term. Of course, many belief systems and individuals have been recording magical and spiritual experience far before his time. 

His first draft was initially known as “Ye Bok of ye Art Magical” (renamed The Book of Shadows in 1949) It was believed that there existed a Sanskrit book of divination which explained how to foretell things based upon the length of a person’s shadow. This is believed to be where Gerald Gardner came up with the name “Book of Shadows”.

Gardner told his early students in the Brickett Wood coven that the Book of Shadows was a personal cookbook of spells that have worked for him personally, and that they were welcome to copy from it, and to add or remove material as they saw fit. 

Traditionally, the Book of Shadows was always hand-written by the individual, and a common custom for new initiates into a coven was to hand-copy the teacher’s Book of Shadows exactly as it appeared, and then later to add their own material as they progressed in the craft. Some Wiccans keep two Books of Shadows: one book of core rituals which does not change, and from which new initiates copy; and another coven book for ritual use, which is different from group to group and may contain much added material, some of it traded between covens. Today, however, with the advantages of technology, they are often typed and photocopied, or even computerized onto discs or websites.

In modern Eclectic Wiccan terminology, a Book of Shadows is more of a personal magical journal rather than a traditional text, and it exists to record rituals, spells and their results, and other magical information of an individual or coven, and is not normally passed from teacher to student.


1. TRADITIONAL: To make your Book of Shadows, begin with a blank notebook. A popular method is to use a three-ring binder so items can be added and rearranged as needed. If you use this style of BOS, you can use sheet protectors as well, which is great for preventing candle wax and other ritual drippings from getting on the pages! You can also utilize the sheet protectors by leaving page numbers blank on your paper pages and using a dry erase marker on the sheet protector to write down the page numbers on both content and the table of contents to easily keep things organized and rearrangeable. 


Keep in mind that as our technology is constantly changing, the way we use it does too – there are people who keep their BOS completely digitally on a flash drive, their laptop, or even stored virtually to be accessed by their favorite mobile device. A BOS pulled up on a smartphone is no less valid than one copied by by hand in ink onto parchment. We’re all on the go pretty much constantly, and if you’re someone who prefers to have your BOS immediately accessible – and editable – at any time, you might want to consider a digital BOS. If you choose to go this route, there are a number of different apps you can use that will make organization easier. If you’ve got access to a tablet, laptop, or phone, you can absolutely make a digital Book of Shadows!

3. DIGITAL + TRADITIONAL: You can also design your pages digitally, print them off, and organize them in a handbound journal or three-ring binder. This is my preferred method because it’s quick and pretty.  If you aren’t artistically inclined, there are premade BOS pages available for print-off on Pinterest


When it comes to the contents of your personal BOS, there are a few sections that are nearly universally included. 

1. Your Title Page

Your title page should include your name (or magical name, if you see fit). Make it fancy or simple, depending on your preference, but remember that the BOS is a magical object and should be treated accordingly. Many witches simply write, “The Book of Shadows of [your name]” on the front page. 

2. Laws of Your Coven or Tradition (Beliefs)

Believe it or not, magic has rules. While they may vary from group to group, it’s a really good idea to keep them at the front of your BOS as a reminder of what constitutes acceptable behavior and what doesn’t. If you’re part of an eclectic tradition that doesn’t have written rules, or if you’re a solitary witch, this is a good place to write down what you think are acceptable rules of magic. After all, if you don’t set yourself some guidelines, how will you know when you’ve crossed over them?

This may include a variation on the Wiccan Rede, or some similar concept.

3. A Dedication

If you’ve been initiated into a coven, you may want to include a copy of your initiation ceremony here. However, many Wiccans dedicate themselves to a God or Goddess long before they become part of a coven. This is a good place to write out who you are dedicating yourself to, and why. This can be a lengthy essay, or it can be as simple as saying, “I, [your name], dedicate myself to [insert deity] today, [insert date].”

4. Gods and Goddesses

Depending on what pantheon or tradition you follow, you may have a single God and Goddess, or a number of them. Your BOS is a good place to keep legends and myths and even artwork concerning your Deity. If your practice is an eclectic blend of different spiritual paths, it’s a good idea to include that here.

5. Correspondence Tables

When it comes to spellcasting, correspondence tables are some of your most important tools. Phases of the moon, herbs, stones and crystals, colors – all have different meanings and purposes. Keeping a chart of some sort in your BOS guarantees that this information will be at the ready when you really need it. If you have access to a good almanac, it’s not a bad idea to record a year’s’ worth of moon phases by date in your BOS.

6. Sabbats, Esbats, and Other Rituals

The Wheel of the Year includes eight holidays for most Wiccans and Pagans, although some traditions do not celebrate all of them. Your BOS can include rituals for each of the Sabbats. For example, for Samhain you may wish to create a rite that honors your ancestors and celebrates the end of the harvest, while for Yule you may want to write down a celebration of the winter Solstice. A Sabbat celebration can be as simple or complex as you wish.

If you’ll be celebrating each full moon, you’ll want to include an Esbat rite in your BOS. You can use the same one each month, or create several different ones tailored to the time of year. You may also wish to include sections on how to cast a circle and Drawing Down the Moon, a rite that celebrates the invoking of the Goddess at the time of the full moon. If you’ll be doing any rites for healing, prosperity, protection, or other purposes, be sure to include them here.

7. Divination

If you’re learning about Tarot, scrying, astrology, or any other form of divination, keep information in here. When you experiment with new methods of divination, keep a record of what you do and results you see in your Book of Shadows.

8. Sacred Texts

While it’s fun to have a bunch of new shiny books on Wicca and Paganism to read, sometimes it’s just as nice to have information that’s a little more established. If there is a certain text that appeals to you, such as The Charge of the Goddess, an old prayer in an archaic language, or a particular chant that moves you, include it in your Book of Shadows.

9. Magical Recipes

There’s a lot to be said for “kitchen witchery,” because for many people, the kitchen is the center of hearth and home. As you collect recipes for oils, incense, or herb blends, keep them in your BOS. You may even want to include a section of food recipes for Sabbat celebrations.

10. Spell Crafting

Some people prefer to keep their spells in a separate book called a grimoire, but you can also keep them in your Book of Shadows. It’s easier to keep spells organized if you divide them up by purpose: prosperity, protection, healing, etc. With each spell you include – particularly if you write your own rather than using someone else’s ideas – make sure you also leave room to include information on when the working was performed and what the outcome was.

11. Other Ideas

Check this link for other ideas on the subject matter to incorporate into your BOS (or a premade one you can purchase.) 


  • Many Pagans feel a BOS should be handwritten, but as technology progresses, some use their computer to store information as well. Don’t let anyone tell you there’s only one way to make your BOS – use what works best for you!
  • Bear in mind that a BOS is considered a sacred tool, which means it is an item of power that should be consecrated with all of your other magical tools.
  • If you’re going the traditional route, make sure you write legibly enough that you’ll be able to read your notes during a ritual!
  • Please keep in mind that one does not have to practice magic or even be Pagan in order to create a BOS. One can simply record their spiritual journey and experiences. 
  • You can also call it something else if the ‘Book of Shadows’ term makes you uncomfortable. 
  • What format should you use? Some witches are known to create elaborate Books of Shadows in secret, magical alphabets. Unless you’re fluent enough in one of these systems that you can read it without having to check notes or a chart, stick with your native language. 
  • The biggest dilemma with any Book of Shadows is how to keep it organized. You can use tabbed dividers, create an index at the back, or if you’re really super-organized, a table of contents in the front. As you study and learn more, you’ll have more information to include – this is why the three-ring binder is such a practical idea. Some people choose instead to use a simple bound notebook, and just add to the back of it as they discover new items.
  • If you find a rite, spell or piece of information somewhere else, be sure to note down the source. It will help you keep organized, and you’ll start to recognize patterns in authors’ works. You may also want to add a section that includes books you’ve read, as well as what you thought of them. This way, when you get a chance to share information with others, you’ll remember what you’ve read.


☀️Sun water☀️

🌞Used for:

Protection, healing (especially physical), happiness, truth, clairvoyance, courage, strength, prosperity, luck, self-love, cleansing, confidence, leadership, justice, gardening, growth, warmth, comfort, fertility, and creativity

🌞How to make it:

Leave the water on a sunny windowsill or outside, preferably in direct sunlight. Sunrise, 9 am, 12 pm, and 3 pm are perfect times for this, or you can leave it from sunrise to sunset. You can also add herbs and flowers to it as well (lemon peels, orange peels, marigolds, chamomile, cinnamon, sunflower, etc.) Or charge it with some stones (like sunstone, orange calcite, citrine, tigers eye, goldstone or carnelian), but please don’t put these stones in the water. You can also make a sun tea with sun water for a very potent solar spell.

witchy links



Beginning Witch


  • Personal favorite witch tips [x]
  • Not using the g**sy slur [x], not using the esk*mo slur [x]
  • Other ways to refer to “smoke cleansing” [x]
  • Masterlist of baby witch tips [x] [x]
  • Types of witches [x] (not everybody identifies with something on this list, this is more for inspiration than limiting yourself!)
  • Crystals [x]
  • Closeted witches/witches on a budget [x]
  • Starting your grimoire (witchy notebook) [x] [x]
  • Energy [x] [x] [x] [x], auras [x] [x]
  • Offerings [x]
  • How to cleanse [x], how to ground [x]
  • Witchy TV shows + movies [x] [x]
  • Pendulums [x]
  • One word spells (sometimes called incantations) [x]


Spells + Magic


  • Designing your own [x]
  • My original tagged spells [x]
  • Baby witch spells masterpost [x]
  • Love spells [x], self-love spells [x]
  • Anxiety easing/calming spells [x]
  • Clearing/cleansing spells [x]
  • Glamours [x], charms [x]
  • Protection spells [x]
  • Sun spells [x] [x] moon spells [x], weather magic [x] [x], eclipse magic [x]
  • Sleep spells [x][x], dream spells [x][x]
  • Herbal magic [x], plant magic [x], tea magic [x]
  • Water magic [x], bath magic [x]
  • Sigils [x] [x]
  • Tarot [x] [x]
  • Deities [x], spirits [x], plant spirits [x] [x]
  • Candle magic [x]
  • For black witches: haircare + magic rituals [x], hoodoo (not a closed practice but still #wakandaforever) [x]
  • Skincare magic [x]
  • LGBTQ+ magic [x] [x]
  • Etc. spells [x]
  • Faeries [x]
  • Witch moms/parents [x]
  • Witchy books/reads [x]
  • Sabbats:
    • Litha/midsummer 💐 [x]




  • Astrology [x] [x]
  • Candles [x]
  • Days of the week [x]
  • General [x]


Personal Tags


  • My practice [x]
  • My services [x]
  • Me [x]


🌄Morning Witchcraft☀️: how to connect to the elements

These are some of my tips for connecting to the elements in the morning before school, work, busy days, or just a day at home. It’s also handy for witches like me who prefer to work in the morning and daytime 🌞


💨wake up at dawn if you can (dawn is the time that correspondes with air)

💨pick a perfume that correspondes with your intent for the rest of the day

💨listen to some music to set intent for the day and energize yourself

💨get some fresh air and let the crisp morning air invigorate and center you

💨light incense that correspondences with your intent of the day

💨enjoy the morning bird chirping

💨do a daily divination reading to get a feel for what to expect for the rest of the day

💨incorporate almonds, honey, strong scented herbs like dill, or eggs in your breakfast


💧have a cup of tea or some water when you wake up

💧take a shower or bath and let it cleanse you

💧take a morning swim if you can

💧moisturize with lotion that correspondes with your intent for the day

💧make a water bottle of infused water (with the herbs/fruits of your intent) to carry around and keep you hydrated for the day

💧collect morning dew

💧pick a seashell that correspondes with your intent for the day to carry around with you

💧sing! (to connect to mermaids and warm up your voice for the day)

💧incorporate apples, berries, salt, fish, or avocado in your breakfast


🌿take a walk or jog

🌿do some yoga

🌿pick a crystal that correspondes with your intent for the day to carry with you

🌿ground yourself

🌿take care of your plants (water them, talk to them, etc.)

🌿do a prosperity spell for the day

🌿spend time with your pets

🌿use plant based products or make your own if you can (like shampoo, soap, makeup, etc.)

🌿incorporate nuts, beans, roots (like ginger), and greens (like spinach and kale) in your breakfast


🕯light a candle to set your intent for the day

🕯enjoy the morning sunshine, feel it’s warmth

🕯do some makeup or fashion magic when you’re getting ready

🕯meditate with the Sun

🕯take vitamins and/or medications

🕯stay warm with hot teas, hot showers, blankets, etc. (the morning can be a bit chilly)

🕯use the sunshine as a positivity and happiness spell and let it charge you for the day

🕯carry a tealight with you (you never know when you’ll need one)

🕯incorporate citrus and spices (like cinnamon, peppers, etc) into your breakfast

🌙 Making Moon Water 🌙




how do i make moon water?

get some water, leave it out under the moonlight, for as little as an hour to as long as all night, as long as it feels charged. bottle it before it touches direct sunlight, keep it in a shadowy place. 


what can i use moon water for?

moon water is called for in a lot of spells, but it can also be used in potions, cleansing, bath spells, anything you might need the moon’s power for.


does it have to be done during the full moon?

it can be done during any phase, but keep in mind, each phase will rend different properties. full moon water will have different magical properties than moon water made during the new moon or a quarter moon, or a waxing or waning moon. here’s a quick guide on each phases’ meanings


what can you put it in and what can’t you? 

you can put herbs in it if you like, i would avoid putting crystals in it because that can damage them and make them dissolve and it could make the water toxic, etc. most edible herbs are fine though!


does it need direct moonlight at all times?

it does not need to be direct moonlight constantly, after it’s charged, if you don’t need to recharge it unless you can’t feel its energy anymore.


does being in the sun negate the moon water’s magic?

according to some witches it doesn’t, but according to others being in the sun will make it sun water, or sun&moon water. ultimately this is up to you.


there’s light pollution/something blocking the moon, will it still work?

thankfully light bounces off stuff, including the moon’s! it might not be as possibly potent as you could make it, but in which case you could leave it out a little bit longer. 


can you use snow/rain/storm/etc water to make moon water?

you can use whatever kind of magical water you want to make a combination of waters, snow-moon water, storm-moon water, etc. however, keep in mind it may give the moon water a bit of an extra magical quality. 


do i have to use a clear bottle/jar? 

if the light can shine through it, it’ll work. 

you can make it with whatever kind of bottle you like as long as the light can touch the water in some ways.


🌿Healing salts🌿

Salt is very purifying, cleansing, and healing, combine it with some various healing plants and you’ve got amazing healing salts for baths, cooking, aromatherapy, and spells. It’s also a great way to preserve your herbs!

🌿 Here’s what you need:

-Salt (regular sea salt is fine but Himalayan or Celtic salt correspond more with healing in my opinion)

-fresh healing herbs/plants of your choice (can be dried but I’ve had better results with fresh)

-mortor and pestle

-somewhere to store it

🌿Here’s some recommended healing herbs/plants:

Basil- protection, prosperity, happiness // anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, appetite stimulator

thyme- healing, sleep, soothing // soothes respitory system, antiseptic, decongestant

peppermint- energy, health, vitality // nausea &vomiting, IBS, bloating

garlic- protection, banishment, healing // anti-bacterial, anti-viral, reduces infection

lemon peel- cleansing, purifying, joy // antioxidants, immune boost, kills germs

sage- protection, cleansing, wisdom // cough, antibacterial, soothes inflammation

oregano- luck, health, family // anti-virus, allergy relief, anti-inflammatory

orange peel- optimism, happiness, strength // immune boost, vitamins, antioxidants

lemon balm- healing, psychic abilities, uplifting // anti-anxiety, sleep, indigestion

parsley- calming, protection, passion // energy, circulation, digestion

rosemary- cleansing, divination, love// soothes sore muscles, soothes cough, improves memory

cinnamon- comfort, love, protection // anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, kills germs

🌿How to make it:

-Add a small handful of salt and the herb or herbs of your choice in your mortor and pestle (how much you use depends on the size of your mortor and pestle and how strong you want the salts to be)

-Grind them up until they’re mixed well and infused, the salt will most likely change color.(it’s easier to tell with fresh plants, with dried plants it’ll be more of a powder when it’s done). I like to use this time to focus on the intent!

-Pour it into an airtight container and you’re done, enjoy in a bath, in food, in spells, scrubs etc.

** please do research before consuming any herbs or plants you aren’t familiar with, especially if you’re pregnant or on medication.